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Netherlands Police Academy: we are open to debate about our education

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Netherlands Police Academy: we are open to debate about our education

An article was posted yesterday on the EenVandaag website in which legal psychologist Peter van Koppen criticises the quality of questioning by the Netherlands  Police. In particular, he targets the Netherlands Police Academy, which "would be annoyed" if this came to light and is "fine with the way things are going". The editors of EenVandaag did not ask the Netherlands Police Academy for a response and we would like to correct that here.  

The Netherlands Police Academy rejects the idea that lecturers are not open to criticism of their teaching or turn a blind eye to new insights. Nor is this view further substantiated. 

The Netherlands Police Academy provides training for (new and current) officers but also conducts research on how police work in all its facets can be improved.  A well-functioning training programme cannot exist without being constantly alert to new developments and insights, delivered by the scientific community. Each year, hundreds of studies are delivered at national and international level, which Netherlands Police Academy staff scan for relevance. In this sense, the curriculum has clearly evolved. 

Debate and discussion are by definition part of academia and this is no different at the Netherlands Police Academy. The Netherlands Police Academy therefore regrets the fact that the EenVandaag article appears to have made a baseless judgement on the matter. 

The editors have since readily apologised for not allowing us to provide a response and we are pleased to note that. 

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