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Diploma Police Officer GGP now officially classified at NLQF level 4

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Police students in a classroom

The diploma for the Police Officer Area-Based Policing (GGP) training course now contains NLQF level 4. The National Coordination Point for the Dutch Qualification Framework (NLQF) has officially established the classification at NLQF level 4. The level of the training can now also be compared with that of other (vocational) training courses in the Netherlands. And in Europe (EQF).

The NLQF has eight levels: from basic education to university. The level describes the knowledge required and what someone must be able to do. But also, how much responsibility the level requires and how independent someone must be.

Equal in level to the level of an MBO 4 training

The GGP Police Officer training at NLQF level 4 is equal in level to the level of an MBO 4 training. Upon completion, students receive a diploma at NLQF level 4, issued by the Netherlands Police Academy.

Until now, the Netherlands Police Academy was responsible for the level of the current Police Officer GGP training. And the training that preceded it. We already used official standards for this. Kathelijne van Kammen, Director of Education at the Netherlands Police Academy, says: 'The level was recognized within the police organization. However, the classification now provides real certainty, so there is no need for discussion about the level. Graduates also regularly received questions about the level of their diploma. For example, because they want to follow a higher professional education after completing the GGP Police Officer training.

Graduates can now easily demonstrate their working and thinking level with the NLQF level 4 classification on their diploma. This makes it easier for them to make choices for further training and career steps. This can be done inside and outside the police organization. And even internationally.'

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