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The Netherlands Police Academy in Lelystad


Eendenweg 12
8218 NC Lelystad

Opening hours

The Netherlands Police Academy in Lelystad is open Mondays to Fridays from 8am to 5.30pm. 


This location is easily accessible by private transportation. Plan your journey.

Coming by public transportation? Then take a cab from Lelystad or Harderwijk train station.


You can park on the grounds of the Netherlands Police Academy in Lelystad. Sufficient parking spaces are available here. Please note that there are no electric charging poles on the premises and self-charging is not allowed. 

Location map the Netherlands Police Academy in Lelystad


The Netherlands Police Academy in Lelystad is the Centre for Enforcement and Mobility (CHM). This is the driving education training centre of the Police Academy and the police. 


Report to reception at the main entrance. You will be given a visitor's pass on presentation of valid ID (passport or driving licence) or police identification. Carry this pass visibly on you at all times.  


  • Restaurant  
  • Open learning centre
  • Classrooms  
  • Reception
  • Lift  
  • Garage
  • Police academy car wash area
  • Drying area for motorbike clothing
  • First aid room with defibrillator
  • Gun safes/lockers
  • Showers  
  • Changing room  

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