The Master of Science in Policing is a joint degree awarded by Canterbury Christ Church University and the Netherlands Police Academy. It provides you with a deep academic understanding of issues related to strategic policing in a network-driven context, at the national and international level.
On completion, you will be a ‘reflective practitioner’, eminently fitted for the coordination of operational tactics or strategies, or for support tasks at a strategic level of policing or law enforcement. You can play a role in (inter)national police cooperation, or act as an advisor for decision-makers within the Netherlands Police and other law enforcement agencies. You can explore and develop policing strategies from a multidisciplinary perspective - strategies that are also beneficial for police partners.
Geen locatie bekend
Applicants for the course should possess one of the following degrees (or equivalent):
Do you work in the police and want to take this course? You cannot register for this course through Youforce Opleidingsmanagement. For more information, contact your supervisor or an HR adviser.
Dit is de studiegids van deze opleiding (ST-OER). De studiegids is onderdeel van de Onderwijs- en Examenregeling (OER) Politieacademie.
€ 15.000 vrij van btw
This unique practice-oriented, academic master course is aimed at police colleagues and employees of partners in the security domain.
During the course there are interactive discussions, and you will be confronted with divergent perspectives on policing. Someone who has a strategic overview of operations has a different mindset from someone who works in operations at the front line. The generic module titles allow participants to address both recurrent and topical policing issues. The various assignments provide scope for you to explore a variety of self-chosen subjects.
Lectures are separate from but connected with the modules. To support you in acquiring the necessary research skills, between the modules there will be lectures on research methodology. In addition, lectures on personal effectiveness will help you develop this essential part of your functioning as a reflective practioner.
Modules, subdivided into Themes (5 ECTS each):
The third module starts with a seminar at the ‘Deutsche Hochschule der Polizei’. This is the German Police University for strategic police leaders.
The course exists of three modules (1.5 years) and a thesis phase (1.5 years).
Most of the teaching will take place in Apeldoorn (sometimes online). During the induction week (and special study weeks) we are guests at CCCU. Lecturers from CCCU also attend the residential weeks in Apeldoorn. For each theme, the lecturers are scientists carrying out research in different aspects of the field of policing, many of whom are themselves also from the field.
The final year and a half of the course is devoted to a thesis, under the supervision of a lecturer. All academic work should relate to a topic that is relevant for the police organisation (or a specific part of it).
English will be the language of preference for most of the course. All the exams, the literature and a part of the lectures will be in English. Aside from that, some of the lectures will also be in Dutch.
The course consists of three modules. These are assessed by means of an assessment grid in relation to several modes of assessment: an oral exam , a literature review, a case study, an essay, and a research report (including a presentation). In addition to the abovementioned course work, you will be required to write and defend a master thesis (called a dissertation in the UK). All exams are in English. Credits are awarded per module, not per exam.
Oral Exam on the LiteratureLiterature Review
Case StudyEssay
Research Proposal (Presentation)Research Report
Master Thesis including Viva voce examination
Each part of the assessment process, as well as the master thesis (dissertation), will assess your capacity to combine an independent academic approach with your professional competencies.
A mark sheet, to be completed by two examiners, will give feedback by highlighting areas where the work could have been improved or where it exceeded the required standards. Only the final mark will be shown on the mark sheet, which is the communicative result of the independent considerations of both examiners.
On the basis of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), exemptions can be granted for a particular exam, be it in terms of Recognition of Certificated Prior Learning (RCPL) or Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL). The RPL marks (in Dutch: EVC) are submitted to the Joint Board of Examiners, which can recognise and grant the corresponding credits.
Results are discussed during meetings with a Module Achievement Board. Each year an External Examiner (EE) – from a UK university other than Canterbury Christ Church University (CCCU) – assesses the degree of consistency of the examiners’ marking of assignments and submits a report to the Module Achievement Board.
At the end of each residential week, there will be a digital evaluation of the course (by means of Questback) to evaluate both the content of the course and the quality of the instruction.
Results will be discussed by the curriculum committee of the MScP and during regular operational meetings with CCCU.
The nominal duration of the MSc Policing Course is three years, with the possibility for an extension of a maximum of two years. A new cohort starts each September.
The course starts with an induction week, which takes place in Canterbury. Each module consists of four thematic, residential weeks (Mon-Fri, 09.00 am to 04.00 pm), followed by single-day tutoring sessions (on average every 3-4 weeks). In between, you are expected to keep up with readings and assignments independently.
The final year and a half consists of working on the final research assignments under guidance of a supervisor.
On completion of the course, you will be qualified to work in national and international police cooperation at a strategic level.
As a graduate, you will be awarded an MSc In Policing, a joint degree awarded by CCCU and the Netherlands Police Academy. This degree is issued by CCCU in a document that also displays the logos of both the Netherlands Police Academy and the NVAO, to show that it is internationally recognised.
As a holder of the MSc in Policing, you are a ‘reflective practitioner’: you do not simply accept what is written in scientific findings and articles. But you’re able to reflect on them with a critical eye and knowledge. You take a nuanced approach to research results and can translate information into practice and formulate strategic recommendations.
The MSc in Policing opens up excellent career prospects for police officers such as team leaders or operational specialists aspire to a position at the strategic level.
The degree also offers good career prospects for colleagues from other law enforcement agencies.
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